How To Create an Online Memorial - For Free

How to Create an Online Memorial

If you’re not sure how to go about creating an online memorial, know it’s easier than you think. We understand that this can be a difficult and trying process, especially if the loss was recent. Our website walks you through every step of the way, so you can be sure of choosing the right options to express your loss, as well as gratitude for having known the deceased. Here’s what to expect along the way.

Essential Information

In this section, you’ll be asked to answer a few questions about you and your loved one. Fill in personal information such as name including any nicknames, date of birth, date of passing, your identifying information, and relationship to the deceased. 


In this section, you’ll provide a few details relevant to the deceased’s passing. Start by filling in the following statement:

“[First] [Middle] [Last], [Age], passed away on [Date] in [City, State]…”

Next, you’ll be asked to select an obituary template. Choose one of many categories, such as religion, age, and role (mother, father, pet). Feel free to search the drop-down menu for a complete list of options.

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Add Photos

In this section, you’ll be asked to upload up to five photos of the deceased. (You may wish to display a presentation board or other images at the ceremony, too.) Please note all website photos must be uploaded in landscape mode and cannot be cropped. They can also be added or changed at a later time.

Highlight Funeral/Memorials Plans

This section is meant to describe the nature of the service. You’ll be asked to share funeral details, announce whether you’re having a private service, explain the event organization process, etc.

You can also share an additional message if you’d like. For example, you could write, “We’re planning a funeral service in Boise in late August. Please check for more details as the date approaches.”


This section gives you the option to fundraise as needed. Under the “Start a Memorial Fundraiser” heading, you’ll be asked to provide the following information:

  • Title

  • Goal amount

  • Reason for fundraiser (i.e., unexpected funeral expenses, high costs, family support, another reason)

Next, select and edit sample text for more detail.

“William's death was unexpected, and we don't have the funds we need to pay for his funeral. Anything donated will be used to offset funeral costs. Any donations beyond our goal will be used to [donate to the educator’s fund]. Thank you so much to everyone in advance for your support.”

Lastly, feel free to share other information, including the following:

  • How the donations will be used

  • Why the fundraiser was created

  • How the funds will be used

  • Additional information you’d like to include

Get Feedback 

Creating the website is easy, although feedback is always appreciated. Invite friends, family, or organizers via email by listing them as viewers or managers. Managers can add or remove other managers, so be sure to select the right category.

Website Tips

At this stage, your website is almost ready to go! Check out a few last-minute tips to get everything squared away. (Yours may show fewer tips, depending on what’s already filled in.)

  • Get a guided tour of your site

  • Finish setting up your fundraiser

  • Add a photo of the deceased

  • Add event info if pending

  • Add family info including surviving relatives of the deceased

  • Add favorites to honor the deceased

  • Share info about donated organs

  • Add to timeline to show milestones in the deceased’s life

  • Offer belongings in case others are interested in remaining personal effects

  • Opt for a website upgrade to access additional features

  • Add a photo of yourself for people who haven’t met you before

  • Choose a color scheme for the website

  • Get website feedback

Spread the Word

Now’s your chance to share your new site with everyone you’d like. You’ve got a few options to choose from:

  • Copy website link

  • Send an email

  • Share on Facebook

Send to friends and family, community members, coworkers, and other potential guests. Pro tip: keep a list for your records.

Final Thoughts

Creating a memorial website can be  simple, thanks to our tailored approach. Get started by filling in a few details about the deceased as well as the service you have in mind. As always, we’re here to help. Call (833) 300-6840 or email for more information.


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